About WYC Learn To Sail


Learn To Sail (LTS) is our beginner junior sailing programme for children aged 9 and over. The course is sailed in Optimist dinghies, to give children the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of sailing in a fun environment, as well as learning about water safety, and giving them the opportunity to challenge themselves. Among other things, it builds confidence and teaches self-reliance and problem-solving skills.

We have a range of yachts available to accommodate children who have outgrown the Optimist dinghy size (55kg), and children can sail in pairs when conditions permit.

The course runs over 6 days, usually 3 weekends during November and December. However, on completing the course, sailors are encouraged to keep sailing throughout the season, joining the annual sail and camp at Clarks Beach.

Our next LTS course is scheduled to start in November 2024, please register your interest here:
