The weekend saw the kick off of the 2018 – 2019 Learn to Sail season. Following introductions and a briefing we tucked ourselves up the Waiuku Estuary in what was a breezy Saturday start. Despite the 15kts coming across the basin we had the fleet of fourteen out and reaching across the estuary. Very pleased to report the skill level is really high this year with nobody struggling and everyone putting in multiple tacks and no capsizes (.. could be wrong about the capsizes.)

Sunday was sunnier with much less breeze so we headed out into the basin and continued the reaching and tacking practice. Again the skills were on show. A very long course was set which meant the sailers were right out amongst it rubbing shoulders with the racing Finn’s and 420’s. The occasional crash gybe knocked the confidence of a few but a swim later and they were back onboard and off again.

All up an impressive start to the LTS season. Thanks to all the parents who got involved and made the day easy. Looking forward to the rest of the season.